Pre-trained Language Model: Survey
Wong Tsz Ho
Student ID: 20725187
The survey aims to examine pre-trained lan-
guage models. We will cover everything from
defining a model to the evolution of it. Vari-
ous popular pretrained language models with
techniques and methodologies will be covered,
including BERT, GPT, T5, OPT, and LaMDA.
A brief review of recent developments in bench-
marking will also be provided. Several Python
libraries will be presented, including NLTK,
SpaCy, HuggingFace, TensorFlow, and Py-
Torch. We will conclude our survey with a
discussion on the application of the pre-trained
language models.
1 Introduction
Among the hottest topics in NLP, pre-trained
language models have gained popularity. The
model opened up the possibility of a generic and
universal language model that solves downstream
language problems and functions as a knowledge
base. This is a significant milestone in the creation
of Strong AI.
In this survey, I will discuss the evolution
of the pre-trained model from the past until
now, and introduce the most popular pre-trained
language model using benchmarking. Following
that, I will discuss the existing tools for applying
those language models, and the survey will con-
clude with some applications of those pre-trained
language models. By putting this information
into context, audiences will be able to gain a
better understanding of the current development
of pre-trained language models, allowing them to
step into this exciting area with ease.
2 Language Model
A language model is just a probability distribution
of the sequence of words. Simply saying, it is the
probability of saying that the word sequence is
making sense or not. In most cases, the input of
a language model would be a sentence, and the
language model will determine whether or not the
sentence is meaningful.
The reason why a language model is so im-
portant to neutral language processing is that the
language model gives meaning to the mathematical
model and the machine learning model can now
take the language sense into account when they
made the decision.
The recent development of language models
would be on masked language models. Instead of
predicting the next word, masked language models
can handle masked words in the middle of the
word sequence. BERT would be one of the masked
language models.
3 Language Model Taxonomy
3.1 Statistical Language Models
3.1.1 N-gram Language Models
Way before the rise of the neural network,
scientists find some ways to represent a language
with n-gram. N-gram is a moving N window of a
word sequence and we use the distribution of the
combination of n-grams to predict the next word
A unigram language model does not take the
sequence of the word into its model and only gener-
ates the word sequence using the distribution over
the vocabulary. While bigram model takes two
words into account and calculates the probability
distribution over the corpus. Using a high value in
N can improve the meaning of the generated word
sequence but comes at the cost of computation and
storage problems.
3.2 Neural Network Language Model
Recurrent Neural Network like LSTM[
] intro-
duces sequencing with the input element where
language by nature has order. RNN also allows the
model weight to be constant with respect to any
length of the input because the model ingests input
one by one.
In 2003, Bengio[
] proposed that word em-
bedding can be learned using a neural network.
Since then the research on neural Network
Language Model boomed. The concept of using
words as vectors create many possibilities for
treating words. Pretrained word2vec[
] model,
from Google, then appears in the market and
caused a huge impact on the NLP community.
The benefit of expressing the words as vectors
is that you can treat those words as numbers
and are able to do mathematical operations
like addition, subtraction, etc. Something like,
"girl"+"women"-"men" = "boy" would make
sense in vector space. Word2Vec is not the only
pre-trained word embedding, GloVe[
], from
Stanford University, is also the other popular
word representation. This difference between
the two models is that Glove would consider the
co-occurrences information. FastText[
], from
Facebook, further takes unknown words from
4 Pre-trained Language Model
A pre-trained language model nowadays usually
is trained on a large corpus where the model can
represent the universal language. Using those
pre-trained language model can save us times and
effort to work on everything from scratch. Several
hundred models parameters have been added to
deep learning models since the advent of deep
For full parameter training and to prevent
overfitting, a much larger dataset is required. The
high annotation costs for NLP tasks, especially
for the semantically and syntax-related tasks,
make constructing large-scale labeled datasets
a challenge for most NLP tasks. Pre-trained
language model is indeed helping the evolution of
humanity to accelerate faster than ever before. To
see how far we have come, I will recount a few
of the pre-trained language models that we have
4.1 BERT
In 2018, BERT [
]or Bidirectional Encoder
Representation from Transformers was born in
Google. It is a Transformer Language Model.
It consists of self-attention heads and multiple
encoder layers. With its bidirectional nature, it
does not encode the same word into one vector, in-
stead, it will consider the semantics of the sentence.
Figure 1: BERT[6]: Input Representation
BERT model is pre-trained together with the
masked language model and next sentence predic-
tion. This allows the combined loss function would
be as low as possible. As mentioned earlier in the
survey, a masked language model is the language
model that will randomly mask out the words as an
input to the model. For BERT, 15% of the words
are masked and the masked word is replaced by
a [MASK] token. Next sentence prediction from
BERT will take two sentences as input and learn
whether or not they are the next sentence. Com-
bining these two training will result in a lower loss
of the entire model. BERT model is available on
4.2 GPT
GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer,
and the latest version is GPT-3[
]. It is developed
by OpenAI. GPT-3 trained on 175B parameters
with open-source dataset named ’Common Crawl’
which has around 45TB of text. GPT-3 is not open
source like GPT[
] and GPT-2[
] and hence you
cannot find GPT-3 online. Pre-trained GPT-1/GPT-
2 models are in HuggingFace and you can directly
implement the model using the Python package.
There is one benefit of using GPT-3 is that it does
not require developers to fine-tune to perform tasks.
4.3 T5
Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer[
], also
known as T5, suggest that every task we would
like to do is an question and answer pairs. Tasks
like translation, classification, chat bot, would in-
put as text to the T5 model and the T5 model will
generate the target text. For example, to ask T5
to translate "This is awesome." to Chinese, your
input to the T5 model would be "translate English
to Chinese: This is awesome.". You can find the
T5 model on HuggingFace.
4.4 OPT
Meta AI proposed the OPT model in the pa-
per Open Pre-trained Transformer Language
]. OPT is a family of large, open-
sourced causal language models that perform sim-
ilarly to GPT3. A difference between GPT2 and
OPT is that OPT adds the EOS token </s> at the
beginning of every prompt. Same as other trans-
formers model, you can find the OPT model on
4.5 LaMDA
], Language Model for Dialogue Appli-
cations, is a generative language model by Google.
It is also built on Transform. The special thing
about this model is that it is trained on the dia-
log rather than the web text or wiki page like in
GPT. It gives that LaMDA model is for Google
to improve their Google assistant. And they just
announced that they had released the next version
LaMDA in Google I/O 2022, which is built on a
new Pathways[
] system which allows the model
to scale to 540B parameters.
5 Benchmarking a Language Model
Benchmarking is important for a researcher to eval-
uate how well their models are. GLUE[
], Gen-
eral Language Understanding Evaluation bench-
mark, is one of the popular benchmarking metrics.
It provides tools for evaluating and analyzing the
performance of models of natural language under-
standing across a range of existing tasks proposed
as part of the GLUE. With the rapid development
of the NLP models, most of the models can score
really high in their dataset and benchmark, and
hence, two years after the launch of GLUE, they
launch the successor of this benchmark, which is
called SuperGLUE[15].
6 Language Model with Python
6.1 Language Model library
6.1.1 NLTK
] is the Natural Language Toolkit in
Python. It is free and open-source. It provides
useful utility to work on word with Python. With
NLTK, you can tokenize and tag text with ease
and hence you can identify named entities. It
embedded datasets where you can fine-tune your
custom model with NLTK. NLTK comes with a
package called NLTK.LM where it currently only
supports n-gram language models. NLTK does not
provide a neural network language model for more
advanced use.
6.1.2 SpaCy
], when compare to NLTK, can pro-
cess NLP task faster. It provides pre-trained
models and a pipeline for building your NLP
application. There are 4 pre-trained pipelines
for English, en_core_web_sm, en_core_web_md,
en_core_web_lg and en_core_web_trf. The
name represented here was that it is an English
general language model trained from Web text
which includes blogs, and news. The last naming
represents the size of the model while trf represents
that it is a transformer model roberta-base. Spacy
package is optimized for CPU running and hence
it is suitable for fast inference of model to give an
immediate response on the lightweight application.
Another special thing spacy provides is that it has
a Chinese pre-trained model free to use.
In our project, Toxic language detection/ de-
biasing toxic content, this is the one we use to
quickly build the baseline of the task. We tagged
the toxic language words using IOB[
] format
which can give us a fair result on the entity recog-
nition task. After we tagged all of the toxic text
from the dataset, we bind the IOB file to the pre-
trained SpaCy English model. After hours of fine-
tuning the pre-trained model, the pipeline is ready
to use. The text will first transform to a vector using
tok2vec. Then the tagger files will be loaded and
all our toxic text will be bound with the vector and
the Named Entity Recognition will identify toxic
text from the comments.
Figure 2: SpaCy[17] Pre-trained Pipeline Architecture
6.1.3 HuggingFace
] rise after the transformer
revolution that started in 2016. It is a repository
of community-based NLP pre-trained language
models. It serves a number of transformer model
by tasks that you can easily select the right model
for your problem. There are nearly 46k pre-trained
models and of course they have the popular BERT
and GPT2 .
In our project, Toxic language detection/ de-
biasing toxic content, we utilize HuggingFace
provided BERT/DistillBERT model to fine-tune
the pre-trained model. Using HuggingFace’s
pre-trained model saves us time on training the
model from scratch. The BERT model has 12
attention layers and all these layers combined has
110 million trainable parameters while 66 million
for DistillBERT. Unlike Word2Vec, the tokenizer
in BERT/DistillBERT splits tokens into subtokens
on less commonly seen word which it helps the
model to generate and handle an unseen word.
Figure 3: HuggingFace[19]: Logo and GitHub Stars
6.1.4 TensorFlow & PyTorch
] and PyTorch[
] are two popular
generic deep learning library. While you can train
your own language model, both of them provide
datasets and a pre-trained language model for us
to use. TensorFlow has set up a Tensor Hub for
the community to host their models on TensorFlow.
Not only can you find Language models there, you
can find other pre-trained models in Audio, Video,
and Image as well. PyTorch Hub is the place where
PyTorch stores its pre-trained model for a developer
to use. You can find pre-trained language models
like GPT-2, and BERT in PyTorch Hub.
6.2 Other NLP Python Library
There are a few more python packages worth
mentioning. By Humboldt University Berlin,
] is a framework designed for developing
state-of-the-art natural language processing. It
allows us to perform text embedding with simple
interfaces on Python. This package is built on top
of PyTorch and hence it is fully extensible to other
PyTorch applications.
] provides ready-to-use corpora
and models with a streaming algorithm to load
and process NLP tasks on the go without loading
all data onto your memory. You can easily load
and use pre-trained model like word2vec[
] and
FastText[5] for pre-processing or other NLP Task.
6.3 Application of Pre-trained LM
Apart from what Language Model is built for,
predicting the next word and calculating the
probability that a sentence makes sense or not,
there are a number of interesting tasks that a
pre-trained language model can help with. NLP
tasks like text categorization, speech recognition,
Neural Machine Translation, and information
retrieval can all boost the performance with a
pre-trained language model. This language model
can then be used to perform NLP tasks in different
Since a pre-trained language model has a
feed with lots of real-world knowledge on the
web, it makes sense that sometime the next word
prediction can treat it as knowledge for answering
the prompt. Like when you ask "Albert Einstein
was born in ___", and the next word that the
language model predicts should be the exact
date he was born. Because most of the text we
feed into the model is some sort of fact in the
world and hence we can utilize a pre-trained
language model as a knowledge base. Acquiring
enough commonsense knowledge, we are one step
closer to developing a generic Strong artificial
intelligence (AI)[24].
Pre-trained Language Model is still an active
growing study area and it is so exciting to see how
the community and the model evolve over the year
hence this survey is research that helps you get into
this area and admire how far we have been in this
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